| The results 1 to 10 from 20 | | |
| All Black Magick  |
| Spell kits, oils, dolls, and altar tools for Wicca, Vodoo, and general witchcraft.
http://allblackmagic.homestead.com/ |
| American Voudou: Journey into a Hidden World by Rod Davis  |
| Information about a book that chronicles the author's cross-country journey in search of Voudou in the United States, from New Orleans through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and New York.
http://www.unt.edu/untpress/titles/davisrod.htm |
| Botanica Santa Barbara  |
| Bantu Religion / Hebrea Palo Mayombe spiritual supplies and services, including candles, amulets, spiritual consultations, initiations, and misas. Site is bilingual (English-Spanish). South San Francisco, California.
http://www.mayombe.net/ |
| Botanica Virgen Caridad Del Cobre  |
| Specializing in products used in Lukumi Tradition and Native American Tradition. Alameda, California.
http://www.botanicacaridad.net/ |
| Botanica Yoruba  |
| A store and Ile providing goods and services to the Yoruba, Fon, and Palo community, serving those who practice Santeria, Lucumi, Ocha, Ifa, Las Reglas de Palo (Monte or Mayombe), and Vodun. San Francisco, California.
http://www.geocities.com/botanicayoruba |
| Caribbean Magick  |
| Offers e-mail consultations, personalized spells and spell-work, and candle burning.
http://caribbeanmagick.faithweb.com |
| Dr. DePrince Voodoo and Hoodoo Supplies  |
| Books, incense, mojos, bracelets, and spell-kits for use in rituals of love, money, and success. Queens, New York.
http://www.voodoodeprince.com/ |
| InI the Babe and Suckling  |
| Rastafarian mail order catalogue and e-mail list.
http://www.inithebabeandsuckling.com |
| Lucky Mojo Curio Co.  |
| Manufacturer and importer of spiritual supplies in the African-American, Asian, and Latin American traditions: Hoodoo oils, incense, sachet powders, candles, washes, herbs, roots, minerals, spell kits, and custom-made mojo hands. Wholesale and retail. Forestville, California.
http://www.luckymojo.com/luckymojocatalogue.html |
| Mami Wata - Vodoun Healing Services  |
| An authentic, trained Priestess of the Vodoun and Mami Wata offers competent, professional, confidential services. Georgia.
http://www.MamiWata.com/services.html |