| Celtic Orthodoxy  |
| A resource for serious study of Celtic Christianity. Providing entire on-line texts, essays and documents. Provides a sympathetic critique of modern Celtic revival movements.
http://www.celticorthodoxy.org/index.html |
| David's Celtic Christianity Page  |
| A personal look at the foundations, characteristics and themes of Celtic Christian spirituality, and some useful resources for pilgrimage and further study.
http://members.lycos.co.uk/DavidEW/index.html |
| New Age Celtic Christian Church  |
| Advocates a New Age form of Celtic Christianity with essays and Bible quotations.
http://mysite.freeserve.com/Celtic_Church/ |
| Stuart's Celtic Christianity Page  |
| A miscellany of links, including Celtic mailing lists, news, saints, liturgy and a webring.
http://www2.gol.com/users/stuart/celtihs.html |