| E_franzbardon  |
| Created for the students of the books of Franz Bardon.
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/e_franzbardon/ |
| Hermetic College  |
| For beginning students of Hermetic Magic in practical application. Qabalistic, Thelemic, and Golden Dawn-style approaches are the primary focus.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HermeticCollege |
| Hermetic-GD  |
| Discussion centers on the Western mysteries and the Hermetic tradition.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hermetic-GD |
| LVX-L  |
| Introduction to magick and linkage for the many factions of the current manifestations of the Golden Dawn, whatever they may be. All related topics are encouraged.
http://www.hollyfeld.org/heaven/.Web/elists/lvx-l.phtml |
| Medtarot  |
| A group for students of the anonymous book Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/medtarot/ |
| Pythagorean  |
| For Pythagoreans and those interested in learning more about the wisdom of Pythagoras.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pythagorean |
| Rosenet  |
| Discussion of Max Heindel's teachings and related subjects. Related to (though not formally affiliated with) the Rosicrucian Fellowship, but membership is not restricted to the Fellowship's members.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rosenet |
| Rosicrucian Mysticism  |
| The process of initiation and the mystical methods and studies that form the Rosicrucian movement are discussed.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rosicrucian-Mysticism/ |
| Spiritual Science  |
| Christian esotericism, mysticism, and occultism. Spiritual Science and Rosicrucian Christianity.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spiritualscience |