| Danze Sacre di Gurdjieff  |
| A site in Italian and English, featuring Gurdjieff movements, Osho, Gurdjieff, meditation and other. Contains photos, musics and the calendar of Gurdjieff sacred dance seminars offered by Vasanti.
http://www.danze-di-gurdjieff.it |
| Escuela Sammasati  |
| An online resource for Gurdjieff's vision. Workshops, weekly classes and retreats of Gurdjieff Movements and the Work.
http://www.danzasdegurdjieff.com/en_index.htm |
| Gurdjieff Movement: The First Obligatory:  |
| Animation of the First Obligatory movement.
http://www.johnkyrk.com/movements.html |
| Gurdjieff Movements  |
| A resource for Seminars and Education Programs in the Gurdjieff Work - Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances, Integrative Movements, and BodyMind Exercises.
http://www.gurdjieffmovements.com |
| Gurdjieff Movements in Italy  |
| Margit Martinu offers weekend monthly seminars and evening classes in Rome and recidential seminars in Italy and Europe.
http://www.gurdjieffmovements.it/ |
| Gurdjieff Movements in Japan  |
| Contains information on Gurdjieff Movements (sacred gymnastics) with essays, photos, animation, and workshop information.
http://member.nifty.ne.jp/MRG/english.htm |
| Gurdjieff Movements Worldwide  |
| A comprehensive listing of Gurdjieff Movements instructors and events around the world.
http://www.gurdjieffmovements.org/ |
| Gurdjieff Sacred Dances & Movements  |
| Information on seminars and classes of the Movements and Gurdjieff/de Hartmann music.
http://www.sacred-dances.com/ENG.htm |
| Quanta India  |
| Has been established as a centre for holistic self-discovery at the level of the body. Teaches the Movements in weekly and weekend seminars.
http://www.quantaindia.org/ |
| Sacred Movement  |
| Brings to life an ancient art form which has its origins in ancient civilizations based in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Tibet and others.
http://www.sacredmove.icom43.net/index1.html |