| 4thway Books  |
| Books relating to the Fourthway. Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Bennett, Nicoll etc.
http://4thway.com |
| Abintra Books  |
| Search for out of print, rare, used, antiquarian & hard to find books in many categories, including the Fourth Way.
http://www.abebooks.com/home/ABINTRA/ |
| Akhaldan II Press  |
| Online shop and presentation for the book featuring Reich and Gurdjieff: Sexuality and the Evolution of Consciousness by David M. Brahinsky, Ph.D.
http://www.akhaldan.com/ |
| Bennett Books  |
| Specializes in publishing and selling books and tapes online. Main titles from John G. Bennett, G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky and Sufism.
http://www.bennettbooks.org/ |
| By The Way Books  |
| Offers a unique selection of rare, out-of-print and select new books. Most are related to mysticism, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology or religion, particular emphasis on G.I. Gurdjieff and The Fourth Way.
http://www.bythewaybooks.com/ |
| Clarity Works Philosophical and Metaphysical Books  |
| Long-time student of the work Dr. Bruce S. Fisher offers his own books for sale, including "The Gurdjieff Teachings: A Practical System of Instruction for Attaining Higher Consciousness through Self-Awareness".
http://www.cableone.net/subru/index.html |
| ECM Records: Sacred Hymns of G. I. Gurdjieff  |
| Performed by Keith Jarrett.
http://ecmrecords.com/ecm/recordings/1174.html |
| Eureka Booksellers and Editions  |
| Publishers and sellers of books specializing in the works of P.D. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll.
http://www.eurekaeditions.com |
| Fourth Way eBooks  |
| The books are in PDF-format, written by Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Rodney Collin and can be bought online.
http://fourth-way-ebooks.net/ |
| Shaila Press  |
| Brief information, list of Ravi Ravindra's books and ordering information for book "Heart without Measure", excerpts from journals about Madame de Salzmann.
http://www.shailapress.com/ |