| Ex-FWBO Index  |
| The FWBO's misuse of Buddhist teachings within the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order.
http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/index.html |
| FWBO Discussion  |
| Critique of the FWBO drawn from debate on the BUDDHIST-L online discussion group.
http://www.iol.ie/~mazzoldi/toolsforchange/buddhist/fwbo.html |
| The Mind Control Process in the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order.  |
| The FWBO creates a brainwashing or mind control environment in which the free will and independent judgement of FWBO members can be manipulated, without them realising that they have become caught up in a cult.
http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/fwbosection2.htm |