| AOTSC.TDC Hellenic Pagan Fellowships ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| This is a Hellenic Pagan Church, designed to bring community and understanding of the religion to Hellenic Pagans and Pagans alike. This group is on and off the web, and provides study help for those new to the religion.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AOTSCFELLOWSHIPS |
| Hellenic Witch ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| This is a mailing list for those who want to discuss rituals, festivals, Gods and Goddess of ancient Hellas. This list is purely Hellenic; no Roman/Italic Gods, please.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellenicWitch |
| HellenicPagan ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| A list of people interested in Hellenic beliefs and desire to get an organization going devoted to the study and religious practice of the ancient Hellenic world, as well as to facilitate communications between HellenicPolytheists. This list is for polytheists with explorations into the myths,gods, and ancient practices as well as personal experiences.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellenicPagan |
| Hellenion ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| Hellenic Reconstructionist organization.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hellenion |
| Hellenion Parents ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| List is designed to provide a minimum base of knowledge for children growing up in Hellenion families. This includes: the ability to participate in any Hellenion public group ritual in a lay-clergy position, and the ability to perform the home based rituals that are developed over the years. Also to enable young adults to reasonable explain what Hellenion and Hellenic Reconstructionism is and what we believe.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellenionParents |
| Hellenist Parents ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| Group designed to discuss raising children in a Hellenic home.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hellenist_Parents |
| HPhT ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| HPhT (Hetaireia Panhellenika Theokolia) is a Hellenic polytheist organisation dedicated to the reconstructionism of our religion, Hellênismos. Offering members priesthood training, educational scholarships, community assistance and an overall social atmosphere where everyone dedicated to the Hellenic gods are welcome to participate. HPhT has a strong belief in ethics, the principals of democracy and the concept of agathos polites ie. The Good Citizen. HPhT means for "Association for all Hellenes who worship the Gods". In order to subscribe you need to be a financial member of HPhT.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPhT |
| Kerux ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| A monthly online newsletter for Hellenic Reconstructionist polytheists and their friends.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kerux |
| Olympos ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| Olympos is the Internet mailing list for the discussion of the study and practice of Hellênismos and it's reconstructionism in a contemporary context. It also welcomes postings which pertain to the ancestral pre-Romanoi traditions that flourished in the Hellenic world. The focus of this symposion is interdisciplinary. Olympos is a companion list for non-financial members of HPhT (Hetaireia Panhellenika Theokolia).
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/olympos |
| Shrine to Athena Promachos ![New window](/images/page.gif) |
| Ancient Greek Religion and discussion dedicated to Athena.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shrinetoathenapromachos/ |