| The Dispensation of the Church |
| Many Dispensationalists believe the Seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea) will match seven successive Church Ages.
http://www.pwmi.org/church.htm |
| The Dispensation Of The Millennium |
| Three indispensable factors make Dispensational Theology distinct from Covenant Theology; and any theological system which does not contain all three is not dispensational in the truest sense of the term.
http://www.duluthbible.org/g_f_j/An_Examination_Of_Disp_Theo3.htm |
| The Dispensational Gospels |
| Dispensationalism is in danger of falling, due in part to a failure to distinguish between Jesus' earthly Gospel for Israel, and His heavenly Gospel for the Church.
http://withchrist.org/MJS/gospels.htm |
| The Dispensations |
| This chart outlines three major dispensations (Theocentric, Christocentric, and Eschatological), as taught by R. B. Thieme
http://www.rbthieme.org/the1.htm |
| The Dispensations |
| It is absolutely essential for the believer to learn the scriptural difference between his relationship to earth and heaven, the flesh and the Spirit, Judaism and Christianity.
http://www.e-grace.net/dispensation.html |
| The Historical Development of Dispensational Theology In Fundamentalism |
| One of fundamentalism's key characteristics, from the time it was introduced in the early 1800s to its almost wide scale acceptance in the middle of the twentieth century, is Dispensationalism.
http://www.fundamentalbiblechurch.org/Foundation/fbchistdevel.htm |
| The Institute for Biblical Studies: Dispensationalism Introduced |
| Seven-week study on Dispensationalism, from Omaha Bible Church
http://www.omahabiblechurch.org/institute_spring2002_1.html |
| The Midweek Rapture and the Pauline Ministry |
| Paul received revelation that the day of Christ is different from the day of the Lord, and that the 12 apostles were unknowing members of Christ's Body in Acts 2.
http://www.themidweekrapture.com/_wsn/page4.html |
| The Parenthesis of the Present Dispensation |
| Sudden prophetic breaks, such as Christ’s proclamation that only half of Isaiah 61:2 was fulfilled in Luke 4:18-20, are best explained Dispensationally; the second half pertains to a future dispensation.
http://www.angelfire.com/nv/TheOliveBranch/append72.html |
| The Scriptural fact that Israel has a future supports Dispensationalism |
| In order to change from Dispensationalism to postmillennialism, it is necessary to spiritualize many passages referring to a future for national Israel, and replace Israel with the church.
http://www.raptureme.com/tt13.html |