| Carrefour Chrétien de l`Éstrie |
| Sherbrooke, Quebec.
http://pages.infinit.net/ccefeu/ |
| Centre Evangélique Renaissance |
| Saint-Georges de Beauce, Quebec. Église évangélique de pentecôte.
http://membres.lycos.fr/cerenaissance/ |
| Église Nouvelle Alliance |
| L'Église Nouvelle Alliance croit à la puissance vivante de Dieu capable de redonner aux hommes et aux femmes un nouveau départ à leur vie, où le cœur de chaque croyant vibre pour le Seigneur Jésus-Christ
http://www.nouvellealliance.ca |
| Evangel Pentecostal Church |
| Quebec City. Weekly schedule and some scripture.
http://netministries.org/see/churches/ch03190?frame=N |
| Evangel Pentecostal Church |
| Montreal, Quebec. Children, youth, young adults, discipling, music programs.
http://www.evangel.qc.ca/ |
| Lakeshore Evangelical Church |
| Dorval, Quebec. Alpha, Youth, Mens, Womens, Operation Christmas Child, Library.
http://www.lakeshorechurch.ca/ |
| Laval Christian Assembly |
| Serving Laval, Montreal, and the Northshore Communities. Sunday School, Nursery, Home Meetings, Mens, Womens, Youth.
http://www.lcachurch.org/ |
| Montreal Chinese Pentecostal Church |
| Montreal (Chinatown), Quebec. MCPC is a place where many people of different ages and backgrounds can gather to worship and learn about God and Jesus Christ.
http://www.geocities.com/grimlok88/mcpc/ |