| Autobiography of a Yogi  |
| The complete text of this book by Paramhansa Yogananda is available on-line.
http://www.crystalclarity.com/yogananda/ |
| Biographies of Hindu saints and Advaita  |
| Contains several resources on learning about hinduism.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8107/ |
| Books on Hindu Marriage  |
| Subam books research list.
http://www.subam.com/References/ |
| Books on Hinduism: Shaivism  |
| Hinduism Shaivism related Books featuring vedas, agamas, upanishads, kasmiri saivism, virashaiva, saiva siddhantha in English, French, Hindi, German, Sanskrit, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi.
http://esh.tripod.com/books.html |
| Books on Mudra  |
| Mudra is a hand posture which forms a part of hindu prayer. These books project an opinion about their other effects.
http://mudrasforhealing.com/home-books.htm |
| Daily Readings From Autobiography of a Yogi  |
| The site gives daily readings from Yogananda's classic autobiography from his 1946 first edition.
http://www.livingwisdom.com |
| Dasbodh  |
| A project to translate Dasbodh Samarth Ramdas from Marathi to English.
http://dasbodh.com/ |
| Devayan: The story of the Four Ages  |
| Devayan is a new epic in the Indian tradition. It consists of twelve volumes, with a thousand pages each, divided into thirty-two books, written in the Anusthupa metre, the classical Indian epic metre.
http://www.devayan.net |
| E Vedas  |
| Bhagavad Gita, Sri Isopanisad, Srimad Bhagavatam, and other Vedic literature available for download.
http://e-vedas.com/ |
| Ethics of Hindu Philosophy  |
| An excerpt from the book ancient wisdom and folly by Sanderson Beck.
http://www.san.beck.org/EC11-Hindu.html |