| 613.org Jewish Songs  |
| Sometimes these Real Audio links do not work, but those that do are worthwhile - particularly the Jerusalem medly.
http://www.613.org/music/niggun.html |
| AMJ-The Friends of Jewish Music  |
| AMJ is a non-profit association organizing concerts, lectures, exhibitions and workshops, to present the diversity of music related to jewish culture.
http://www.club-association.ch/amj |
| Amsterdam Synagogue Choir  |
| An all male Jewish choir.
http://www.xs4all.nl/~esbr/ |
| Art & Music  |
| Art - Fine art, Acrylic, Watercolor, pan and ink, Computer Art, Greeting Cards & Music. Recording of Israeli and Jewish Ethnic Music, Sephardic and Yemenite Music, and Music Notation Books.
http://artmuz.com |
| Biographies, Jewish Music  |
| Biographies of famous Jewish cantors and composers.
http://www.joods.nl/~chazzanut/articles/ |
| Cantor Moshe Bazian  |
| MP3's and streaming videos from concerts performed by Cantor Murray (a.k.a. Chazzan Moshe) Bazian
http://www.chazzan.org |
| Cantors Assembly  |
| The largest organization of professional Hazzanim in the world. Site a music store and information about cantors and the Cantors Assembly.
http://cantors.org |
| Cantors World  |
| Dedicated to the propagation, appreciation, and enhancement of cantorial music. Newsletter, messageboard, and recordings of chazzanut.
http://www.cantorsworld.com/ |
| Chabad Niggunim  |
| Eli Lipsker Productions provides audio and materials for the nusach of tefillah and other davening. Eli Lipsker Orchestra performs at weddings, Sheva Brochos, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and any other joyous function.
http://www.chabadniggunim.com |
| Chazzanut Online  |
| Comprehensive site forJewish liturgical music, with a large collection of cantorial sheet music, annotated links and background information.
http://www.joods.nl/~chazzanut/ |