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 Top : Judaism : Denominations : Reconstructionist : Congregations and Havurot
 The results 1 to 10 from 34
 Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation (Rockville, MD)  New window
 Adat Shalom is dedicated to the moral and spiritual fulfillment of its members and to Jewish continuity. We affirm the idea that Judaism is the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people. Through this congregation, we will explore, enjoy, evaluate, and participate in revitalizing and reconstructing Judaism in all its aspects. We are determined to make the process of reconstructing Jewish civilization a responsible, communal undertaking.
 Agudas Achim (Attleboro,MA)  New window
 Congregation Agudas Achim of the Attleboros is a Jewish center for communities in Massachusetts and nearby Rhode Island. It is committed to Jewish traditions within a congregation integrating diverse cultural backgrounds. As a Reconstructionist Synagogue, it fosters an egalitarian and participatory community, bringing people together to promote Jewish education, spiritual growth, religious practice, social justice and life-long learning.
 B'nai Havurah (Denver, CO)  New window
 The Colorado Jewish Reconstructionist Federation is a community of approximately 20 havurot. As the "umbrella organization", B'nai Havurah provides havurah members with a number of community-wide resources, such as a Religious School (Kindergarten through Confirmation), Shabbat and festival services, and a variety of ongoing programs.
 Beth Or (Miami, FL)  New window
 Beth Or is small and intimate congregation devoted to the renewal of Judaism though Torah study and spiritual practice. A member of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation and aligned with the movement for Jewish Renewal, Beth Or offers an inclusive, egalitarian, and spiritually focused environment in which children and adults can deepen their understanding of, and commitment to, Jewish life and community.
 Beth Samuel Jewish Center  New window
 Consists of families from non-observant, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox backgrounds from Pittsburgh's North Hills, Sewickley, Moon, Beaver County and Cranberry.
 Beyt Shalom (Omaha, NE)  New window
 Warm, egalitarian, participatory, and committed to K'lal Israel and Reconstructionism. It is the only Reconstructionist synagogue in Omaha (and the surrounding 300 miles or so).
 Celebration Jewish Congregation (Celebration, FL)  New window
 Celebration Jewish Congregation is an affiliate of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, believing that men and women should have equal rights and that "the past has a vote, but not a veto." It believes that this allows its warm, friendly congregation to embrace the wonderful past traditions of Judaism while considering our ever changing culture.
 Columbia Jewish Congregation (Columbia, MD)  New window
 A congregation which emphasizes diversity, inclusiveness and the warmth of community. CJC is dedicated to learning, celebrating, and deepening our practice of Jewish tradition in contemporary life.
 Congregation B'nai Tikvah (Cincinnati, Ohio)  New window
 The first and only Reconstructionist congregation in the greater Cincinnati area--with members living in West Chester, Mason, Fairfield, Wyoming, Maineville, Landen and other nearby communities. Its members are Jewish couples and singles, intermarried couples, and those who have chosen Judaism on their own. It believes that every voice is important and that democracy is an essential part of the operation of the congregation.
 Congregation Beit Tikvah (Baltimore, MD)  New window
 Beit Tikvah is a proud member of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation of Congregations and Havurot.

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