| A.D.K. LUK Publications  |
| Law of Life Books gives information on the Ascended Masters, the I AM Presence and the Violet Flame.
http://lawoflife.com/ |
| Advanced Lightworkers Academy  |
| Guiding lightworkers into the fifth dimension and ascension through the teachings of all the masters.
http://www.advancedlightworkersacademy.com/ |
| Ascended Master  |
| Personal page by one who feels himself to be an Ascended Master.
http://www.ascendedmaster.com |
| Ascended Master Dictations  |
| Instructive teachings for those on or entering the path of overcoming & transcendence--these dictations given mostly to Geraldine Innocente in the 1950s of the Bridge to Freedom.
http://bomm0.tripod.com/index34.html |
| Ascended Master Mailing List  |
| The Chela News is a free email list for disciples of El Morya, Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters.
http://www.chelanews.com |
| Ascended Master Teaching Foundation  |
| A collection of articles, books, tapes, and information about related seminars.
http://www.ascendedmaster.org/ |
| Ascended Masters  |
| Information on Saint Germain, Lord Maha Chohan, El Morya, Lord Gautama, Jesus, and a discussion of the IAM Presence by Guy W and Edna W Ballard - 1932.
http://www.ascended-master.org/ |
| Ascended Masters  |
| Basic information on a variety of Masters, together with personal thoughts and related articles.
http://www.geocities.com/ascendedmaster/index2.html |
| Ascended Masters invite questions  |
| Questions for the Ascended Masters is an introduction to Christine Hayes a gifted channel and healer based in North London and offering a rare opportunity for you to receive healing and counceling.
http://www.hayes10.fsworld.co.uk/index.html |
| Ascended Masters Speak  |
| Questions and answers submitted by readers are answered monthly. Transcripts, tapes, and books are also available.
http://www.1spirit.com/amm/index.html |