| 11:11 Spirit Guardians Message Board  |
| Message board to discuss 11:11 time prompts and related spiritual phenomenon.
http://eleveneleven.pair.com/ |
| A Circle of Light  |
| MSN community for spiritual seekers. Topics include interfaith, healing arts, healing arts, spiritual growth, channeling and tarot.
http://communities.msn.com/ACircleofLight |
| All Path Ways  |
| Spiritual based chat promoting individual and collective consciousness through personal transformation.
http://www.allpathways.com/ |
| Ascension Path (yahoo-groups)  |
| Discussion of the ascension process, Ascended Masters, theosophy, kabbalah, the Pleiadians and Ashtar Command.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ascensionpath |
| Astral Dream Forum  |
| Bulletin board for a variety of topics including meditation, psychic abilities, astral projection, the paranormal, and various beliefs.
http://astraleyeeee.hyperboards2.com/ |
| Astral Projection Forum  |
| Forum for discussion of astral projection. Also includes definitions, theories, past experiences, and helpful links.
http://www.astralforum.com/ |
| Astral Travel Dream Circle  |
| Exchange information regarding astral travel and dreaming.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astraldreamtravelwebring |
| Awakening Mind  |
| Faith based group which does not follow any single path or teacher.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/awakeninginchrist |
| Blue Honey (yahoo-groups)  |
| Topics include altered states of consciousness, Kabbalah, time, lucid dreams and the Gaian mind.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blue_honey |
| City of Lights Discussion Club Home Page  |
| Discussion about the new age philosophy and modern society.
http://www.webspawner.com/users/davara/index.html |