| A Program of Study for Celtic Pagans  |
| A page outlining a potential course of study for those interested in Celtic paths.
http://www.wildideas.net/temple/library/letters/akprogram.html |
| Celtic Emporium  |
| Provides artwork, standing stone information and photography, and philosophy and rants.
http://www.celticemporium.co.uk/ |
| Celtic Myth and Lore  |
| Features an array of articles and essays from different Celtic cultures about topics such as Celtic astronomy, Gods and Goddesses, regional folklore, faeries, and other related subjects.
http://www.shadowdrake.com/celtictrads.html |
| Celtic Nation USA  |
| Cyber community of members interested in following ancient Celtic religious beliefs and practices.
http://www.celticnationusa.com/ |
| Celtic Whispers  |
| Aims to introduce people to the Celtic path and their myths, magic and lore through poetry, art and articles by a celtic student.
http://www.taliesin.clara.net/ |
| Celtic Wisdom  |
| Celtic shamanism, myths, legends, poetry, oracle, power animals, gods and goddesses, journeys, and meditations.
http://www.fortunecity.com/bally/shannon/325 |
| Dragon Manor  |
| Articles, chat, Mississippi Pagan Network and links.
http://www.dragonmanor.net |
| Facets of the Goddess  |
| Explores 5 Avalonian Facets of the Goddess: Arianrhod, Branwen, Blodeuwedd, Cerridwen, and Rhiannon. It also contains sections on the Avalonian Tradition and meditation.
http://www.geocities.com/ariannon/index.html |
| Hallowquest  |
| John and Caitlín are the authors of many books about the Arthurian, Celtic, shamanic and spiritual traditions, and teach all over the world.
http://www.hallowquest.org.uk |
| Keltic Religion  |
| An account of a hereditary Keltic religious system, giving insight into a major Welsh pantheon.
http://www.geocities.com/tyghet/ |