| A Calendar of Pagan, Alternative, Green and Religious Events |
| A current listing of religious festivals and alternative events, covering Green, Pagan, Occult and Alternative activities as well as mainstream religious dates. updated weekly.
http://www.oakleafcircle.org/Events.htm |
| Afterworld Realm |
| A pagan community offering events, forums and chat.
http://afterworld.rgweb.org |
| Akashic Realm |
| Featuring a top 100 Pagan and Occult resource.
http://astralemporium.mytopsitelist.com/akashicrealm |
| Ask Hagatha |
| Answers many of the basic wiccan and paganism questions that a person new to the craft would ask. There are also craft projects, free tarot card reading, basic book of shadows, and just for fun the pagan craft generator.
http://www.askhagatha.com/ |
| Beyond the Realms |
| For all Pagan parths to share and grow.
http://groups.msn.com/BeyondtheRealms |
| Canadian Wiccan Pagan Site |
| Links to Canadian and global Pagan sites.
http://www.geocities.com/athens/cyprus/1149/INDEX-CWP.html |
| Circle and Cross Talk |
| A Pagan and Christian discussion group fostering understanding between varying worldviews.
http://www.gathering4square.com/Gathering_Web/NewPages/pagan_talk_signup.html |
| Elemental Magick |
| A pagan resource site offering e-mail, chat, news, search engine, and classified ads.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Marble/9668/ |
| Georgia Pagans |
| Links to Georgia-based or -focused pagan groups, directories, facilities, musicians, authors, and email lists.
http://georgiapagans.org |
| Hearth and Home Witchery |
| Their goal is to offer fresh ideas for all Pagans.
http://www.msnusers.com/HearthandHomeWitchery |