| Harvard Divinity School |
| Divinity school affiliated with the Unitarian Universalism.
http://www.hds.harvard.edu/ |
| Meadville/Lombard Theological School |
| A theological school serving Unitarian Universalism and liberal religion.
http://www.meadville.edu/ |
| Starr King School for the Ministry |
| A Unitarian Universalist seminary, member of the Graduate Theological Union, in Berkeley, Calif. They hold fast to a vision at this school that theological education must focus on the development of the whole person and the calling forth of each person’s gifts.
http://www.sksm.edu/ |
| Unitarian College Manchester |
| Prepares students for ministry in the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (UK) and the Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland.
http://sparc.airtime.co.uk/ucm/ |
| UUA Ministerial Education |
| What the Unitarian Universalist Association does for students preparing for the UU ministry.
http://www.uua.org/ministry/education/ |