| Baha'i International Community United Nations Statements  |
| Statements of the Baha'i International Community from 1947 to the present day including those presented to the United Nations.
http://www.bic-un.bahai.org |
| Baha'i International Community World News  |
| Official Bahá'à International Community World News, Baha'i glossary.
http://www.bahaiworldnews.org |
| Baha'i Journal UK  |
| On-line edition of the Journal of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom. Current edition and archives of prior publications.
http://www.bahaijournal.org.uk/ |
| Baha'i Marriage  |
| Information on the Baha'i concept of marriage.
http://www.bahaimarriage.com/ |
| Baha'iNet  |
| An unofficial Baha'i forum. Stories, news and community resources.
http://www.bahainet.com |
| Bahai-Deepening  |
| Hosts a deepening for every Saturday for Bahá'Ãs and non-Bahá'Ã, on Bahá'à topics, 4:00pm GMT on EFnet, IRC. The site has archives of past deepenings and the schedule of upcoming topics.
http://users.tebenet.nl/~kuijer-e/announce.html |
| Bahá'à Faith Pages from Skye  |
| A Scottish site hosting the Association for Bahá'à Studies (English-Speaking Europe), the Writings in Gaelic, children's magazine Dayspring, and UK links.
http://www.breacais.demon.co.uk/index.htm |
| Graham's Framed Baha'i Pages  |
| Information and reports on Baha'i events from around the world. Additional topics include: Men, Women and Rights, Social and Economic Development Issues and Scriptures and Writings.
http://www.fragrant.demon.co.uk/bahai.html |
| Living Waters  |
| A personal site by a Baha'i youth for the promotion of Baha'i inspiration and understanding, with essays, poetry, Writings.
http://www.geocities.com/lunaesia |
| Mottahedeh Development Services  |
| A Social and Economic Development Agency of the Baha'i Faith, promoting unity in diversity, community service, responsibility, universal education and prosperity.
http://www.mdssed.org/ |