| Catholic Encyclopedia: Confucianism  |
| An article by Charles F. Aiken from this 1912 referece work. Reviews the key teachings and history of Confucianism, and its relation to Christianity.
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04223b.htm |
| Center for Dao-Confucianism  |
| Answers to various questions about Confucian doctrine and its role in the world today.
http://www.wam.umd.edu/~tkang/ |
| Class Notes: Confucian Asia  |
| Study questions and presentations from an introductory course on East Asian thought.
http://www.gened.arizona.edu/harrison/confucianasia/class.htm |
| Confucian  |
| Article reviewing the history and present condition of this ethical system.
http://kengarman.tripod.com/easternphilosophy/id3.html |
| Confucian Business Ethics and the Nature of Business Decisions  |
| Essay by Jonathan Chan which seeks to show how a Confucian business ethic is possible, despite the Confucian prohibition on profit-seeking.
http://www.stthom.edu/cbes/oje/articles/chan.html |
| Confucian Education  |
| Article on the historical application of Confucian doctrines to the imperial Chinese educational system.
http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/confucian2.html |
| Confucian Pictures  |
| Pictures from antiquity and the present day relating to the Confucian tradition.
http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/religion/fac/Adler/reln471/pix.htm |
| Confucian Teachings  |
| Links to English commentaries on and translations of Confucian classics.
http://www.mindground.net/confucian.html |
| Confucian Teachings Stand Test of Time  |
| A year 2000 article from China.org.cn. Describes the contemporary popularity of Confucian studies in China.
http://www.china.org.cn/english/2000/Dec/5153.htm |
| Confucianism  |
| Brief article noting the compatibility of the Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist traditions.
http://www.gasi.org/diversity/religion/confucian.htm |