| Bible Chronology  |
| From Creation through the sacking of Jerusalem in AD 70.
http://www.biblehistory.webcentral.com.au/ |
| Glencairn Museum  |
| Educates visitors about the history of religion, using art and artifacts from a variety of world cultures and time periods.
http://www.glencairnmuseum.org/ |
| History of Religions  |
| Print journal. Subscription information and table of contents only.
http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/HR/ |
| Important Dates in the History of Religion  |
| Chronology from BC to 1965 of persons and events.
http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/OTHERREFERENCE/RELIGION/SigDatesInRelHis.html |
| IVP Concise Dictionary of Religion  |
| E-text of first edition; sales of printed second edition.
http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~nurelweb/books/concise/ |
| World Scripture  |
| Comparative anthology of sacred texts: 4000+ passages from major religions, thematically organized.
http://www.unification.net/ws/ |