| American Fellowship Church  |
| Includes information about becoming an ordained minister, the AFC's code of ethics and materials for starting your own church.
http://www.amfellow.org/ |
| CoNexus Press  |
| Offers books, information, connections for inter-religious understanding, dialogue, co-operation and relations.
http://www.conexuspress.com |
| Fellowship of Reconciliation  |
| The largest, oldest Interfaith Peace organization in the United States and is dedicated to the promotion of nonviolent conflict resolution.
http://www.forusa.org/ |
| Gamaliel Foundation  |
| A network of grassroots, interfaith, interracial, multi-issue organizations working together to create a more just and more democratic society.
http://www.gamaliel.org/ |
| Global Forum  |
| For interfaith dialogue and co-operation, with an eye towards a more peaceful, just and sustainable Earth community.
http://global-forum.org |
| GodTalkTv  |
| A series of television programs designed to draw people of many different faiths together to discuss pressing social, moral and spiritual issues and to discern common ground.
http://godtalktv.org |
| Golden Dome  |
| Message Board for discussion on all spiritual paths. Everyone is welcomed to discuss their beliefs.
http://pub117.ezboard.com/bgenesistonemesis |
| InterFaith Online  |
| An in-depth personal exploration of world religions as carried out by the students of Warren Wilson College in affiliation with the Harvard Pluralism Project. This site contains links, a forum, and original essays representing a variety of religions and religious experiences. All research was carried out in Asheville, NC.
http://www.warren-wilson.edu/~religion/newifo/index.shtml |
| Interfaith Studies  |
| Interfaith Studies offers an e-learning introduction to interfaith, links to international interfaith organisations, and skills for start interfaithing activities in home areas.
http://www.interfaithstudies.org/ |
| Interfaith Youth Core  |
| The purpose of the Interfaith Youth Core is to nurture a new generation of compassionate global leaders.
http://www.ifyc.org |