| Center for Sacred Sciences  |
| Teachings, practices, and resources based on the teachings of the mystics from the major religious traditions, presented in a form compatible with our modern scientific culture.
http://www.centerforsacredsciences.org/ |
| Defining Mysticism  |
| Exploring the question, "What is mysticism?" - a look at the research of top psychologists and scientists.
http://www.well.com/user/elliotts/smse_index.html |
| Essential Information on the Mystical Experience  |
| An introduction to mysticism, and information on the major types of mystical experience. Includes a place to register mystical experiences and read those of others.
http://www.bodysoulandspirit.net/ |
| GodConsciousness.com  |
| Mystical texts from around the world, meditation aids, visionary art, entheogens, and music.
http://www.godconsciousness.com |
| Golden Mean  |
| Golden Mean contains essays on Rational Mysticism from members of the Golden Mean discussion group, which combines spiritual intuition and common sense to define the nature of reality.
http://TheGoldenMean.homestead.com/ |
| Javanese Mysticism  |
| A survey of present day Javenese mystical movements. Translations of age-old Javanese mystical texts.
http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/javmys1.html |
| Journey through an unknown land  |
| An outline of a preparatory stance for a mystical outlook, citing conventional literary and religious sources.
http://cognitioncairn.com |
| Mysteries.Net  |
| Guide to finding your own higher consciousness.
http://www.mysteries.net/ |
| Mystic Sayings Collection  |
| Mystic collection of sayings to uplift, inspire, enjoy, laugh, pass on.
http://www.mudmystic.com/ |
| Mystic seed : Echoes of the sages:  |
| Contains mystical poetry and links.
http://www.mysticseed.com |