| Beliefnet: Sacred Texts  |
| Links to a wide selection of full texts, including Baha'i sacred writings, the Dhammapada, Confucian Analects, Tao-Te Ching, several versions of the Bible, Hadith, Sunnah, and Wiccan and neo-pagan texts.
http://www.beliefnet.com/help/link_directory.asp |
| Holy Books of the World  |
| Brief descriptions of a selection of mostly historic religious texts. No links to actual texts.
http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/OTHERREFERENCE/RELIGION/HolyBooks.html |
| I Love God  |
| Sacred texts of various religions and online shop.
http://www.ishwar.com |
| Internet Sacred Text Archive  |
| Archive of primary texts relating to all major world religions and many other spiritual practices, including all major scriptures and hundreds of other documents. Documents are public domain English translations and original languages.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/ |
| Online Bible  |
| Texts from the major world religions and a few small ones as well. Search the Bible.
http://www.online-bible.org/ |
| Online Bibles and Religious Texts  |
| Collection of links to online texts; mostly Biblical but also includes links for the Koran and Book of Mormon.
http://www.religiousresources.org/directory/cat.php?cat_id=23 |
| Points to Click: Religious Texts Online  |
| Online Journalism Review article on finding online religious texts. (August 30, 2000)
http://www.ojr.org/ojr/technology/1017963453.php |
| Religious Resources: Electronic Texts  |
| KJV and RSV Bible, Book of Mormon, and Koran, from the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia.
http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/relig.browse.html |
| Religious Texts and Resources  |
| Links to a wide variety of online primary religious and sacred texts, together with the archives of religious texts from the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Computer Analysis of Texts.
http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/texts.html |
| Religious Texts in the Etext Archives  |
| Selection of online texts, including poems in praise of Abirami, the Dawn-Breakers, multiple Buddhist texts, the Nag-Hammadi, the Quran, Rosicrucian writings, and the Aazhvaar paasurams.
http://www.etext.org/Religious.Texts/ |