| Being Quest  |
| A heroic quest for spiritual truth and enlightenment through confrontation with the divine and demonic in the heart, seeking through creative and dramatic literary works the reformation and resolution of our mysterious human existence.
http://www.beingquest.com |
| Communications from Spirit Through the Mediumship of Lucy Hale  |
| Transcriptions of recordings made in Home Circles and Spiritualist Churches in the UK plus associated material.
http://www.jhardaker.plus.com/lucy/spt-home.html |
| Eternal Flame Forum  |
| Discussions on spiritual matters. Spiritualism and associated phenomena.
http://azure.bbboy.net/theeternalflame |
| Eternal Spirit  |
| Explores aspects of Spiritualism, using terms which are open and easily accessible to those who know little or nothing about the subject.
http://www.eternal.ndirect.co.uk/frame1.htm |
| Falcon Rising's Spiritualism Mailing List  |
| E-mailgroup for Spiritualism, the science, philosophy, and religion of continuous life.
http://falconrising.bravepages.com |
| Fir Mountain Press  |
| publishes books, pamphlets and a journal on neglected traditions of personal and spiritual development in the Western world. Also published the quarterly journal _Abiegnus: A Journal of the Western Esoteric Traditions_, and offers an archive of book reviews from past issues of the journal.
http://angelfire.com/wa/firmountain |
| Man and the Unknown  |
| Original introductions to little known subjects ranging from paranormal voices (sound clips) including Rosemary Brown and Leslie Flint and many other subjects.
http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/index.html |
| New Thought Spiritualism  |
| A philosophy based upon the New Thought Movement and modern spiritualism. The focus of this group is to advance spiritualism to the next evolutional step, by focusing not on demonstration of gifts but upon individual spiritual practices that are in harmony with natural and spiritual laws.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/8724/ |
| Pathways To Eden  |
| Enlightenment, spirituality, new age, meditation. Guided site for spiritual discovery and discussion of alternative healing therapies and remedies. Practical advice on personal growth and living spiritually in a material world; dedicated to the healing and transformation of humanity.
http://www.geocities.com/pathways2eden/ |
| Psychic World  |
| PsychicWorld.net is the site to visit for spiritual and paranormal subjects covered by many internationally published authors. Covers many aspects of Spiritualism.
http://www.psychicworld.net |