| A Point of View About Tantra  |
| Interview with a tantric advocate Prem Pranama.
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dalef/tantra.html |
| Antiquity of Tantricism  |
| A historical and cultural perspective of the early tantric traditions by Chintaharan Chakravarti.
http://sino-sv3.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/FULLTEXT/JR-ENG/chak.htm |
| Bindu  |
| A periodical on Yoga, Tantra and Meditation.
http://www.scand-yoga.org/english/bindu/index.html |
| Celibacy in Tantric Practice  |
| Celibacy and its role in development of a Tantric regimen.
http://www.hmt.com/kundalini/yoking.html |
| International Journal of Tantric Studies  |
| An award winning publication of Tantric studies. The journal also focuses on language studies.
http://www.asiatica.org/ijts/ |
| Kundalini Tantra  |
| General information site and idea exchange for tantric information. Includes articles about various aspects of Kundalini Tantra.
http://www.kundalini-tantra.com/ |
| Maya-gaia  |
| Page claims an amateur effort to understand and integrate experience with Tantra.
http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/1320 |
| Sadhaks  |
| Describes experiences of many spiritual masters. Offers insight into hidden aspects of tantric practice.
http://geocities.com/amvaranasi/ |
| Serpentine Power in Greece and India  |
| Tantra from a greek point of view.
http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/mystic/Serpent1.htm |
| SivaSakti  |
| Offers tantric articles, Ebooks, asanas, yantras and meditation music.
http://sivasakti.com/ |