| About Hinduism |
| Brief articles on the various facets of Hinduism.
http://hinduism.about.com/ |
| Adherents.com: Largest Hindu Communities |
| Features statistics on countries with the largest proportion and percentages of Hindus with respect to the total population.
http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_hindu.html |
| Advaita Vedânta |
| An introduction to the philosophy of advaita vedanta, as taught by Sankaracharya and his followers. Includes articles on the different systems of Hindu philosophy,upanishads and history of vedanta.
http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/avhp/ |
| Ahwan: The Spiritual Approach to Life |
| Articles based on lectures by Sri Bimal Mohanty. Many available on-line but subscription requested for access to others.
http://www.ahwan.com/ |
| All Around Hinduism |
| Photos and briefs on Sri Ganesha and Sri Rama. Also contains a collection of links to Hindu resources.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/7153/Hinduism.html |
| Amba House |
| Lives and sayings of saints. Jataka stories. Offer home study courses in different scriptures.
http://www.ambahouse.org/ |
| Aspects of Hinduism |
| Articles on different aspects of Hinduism by Dr. Gautam Chatterjee.
http://www.ibiblio.org/gautam/hind0001.htm |
| Athirathram |
| The concept and tradition of the Agnichayana, a 3000-year-old Vedic ritual, performed in 1975 at Panjal in Kerala, India.
http://www.athirathram.org/ |
| Balinese Hinduism |
| Information on the practice of Hinduism in Bali, Indonesia.
http://www.baliforyou.com/bali/bali_guide/balinese_hindu.htm |
| BBC Religion and Ethics: Hinduism |
| Features an overview, history, beliefs, list of holy days, and customs.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/index.shtml |