| A Little Bit of Inquisition  |
| Subtitle: (And They Called It America) How would you react if your State government required the Witches Rede to be mounted in your child's classroom?
http://unquietmind.com/inquisition.html |
| Advocates International - Justice with Compassion  |
| World-wide non-profit organization based in Fairfax, Virginia that deals with issues of religious freedom around the world.
http://www.advocatesinternational.org |
| Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights  |
| The CLRC fights anti-Catholicism and is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. Their website contains articles on conflicts between government and the Catholic Church and/or individual Catholics.
http://www.catholicleague.org/ |
| Children's Healthcare Is a Legal Duty  |
| CHILD is a nonprofit US organization fighting religion-based medical neglect. Includes case histories of children who died after receiving faith-based healing instead of medical care, examples of religious exemptions to public-health regulations, and legal news.
http://www.childrenshealthcare.org/ |
| Church vs State and Faith Based Initiatives  |
| Debate how you feel about your First Amendment rights, about school prayer and your taxes going towards religious groups. Do you believe First Amendment had the effect of forbidding anyone from using the government to pass sectarian legislation? Will this open the door for condonation of a particular religion's exclusionary beliefs at the expense of those that are inclusive? Speak up! (no registration - no codes - just opinions)
http://www.voy.com/77377/ |
| Church, State, Rock and Roll  |
| A monthly update on state and federal litigation concerning the First Amendment's religion clauses.
http://www.angelfire.com/mn2/positively4thstreet/ |
| Church-State Academic Papers  |
| Political science papers dealing with the relationship of church and state, and religious liberty.
http://members.aol.com/larrypahl/poli-sci.htm |
| Congress Again Attempts to Legislate Religious Freedom  |
| After having its Religious Freedom Restoration Act declared an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power in 1997, Congress tries again with the Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1999.
http://law.about.com/library/weekly/aa071599.htm |
| Doctrinal Errors of Dignitatis Humanae, The  |
| A group of self-described traditional Catholics take issue with the Second Vatican Council's teachings on religious freedom.
http://www.cmri.org/95prog2.htm |
| Earth Religions Assistance Pages  |
| Index of resources for practitioners of Earth Religions who are experiencing religious discrimination.
http://www.conjure.com/ERAL/eral.html |