| Multi Dimensions |
| A journey through conscious, unconscious and superconscious worlds to find meditation, chakra and spiritual healing techniques for holistic well-being.
http://www.multidimensions.com/ |
| Native American Prophecies |
| American Indian prophecies as told by a white psychic who claims to be inhabited by a light being named Z.
http://www.crystalinks.com/native_american.html |
| New Age Lifestyle |
| How to adopt a New Age lifestyle as an alternative to traditional Western beliefs and practices. Includes sections on health and well being, approaches to religion and spirituality, and helping the environment.
http://www.newagelifestyle.com/ |
| New Age Page |
| Articles and links regarding a variety of New Age practices and resources including channeled material, tribal and earth religions, environmentalism, nutrition and healing, and angels.
http://www.newagepage.com/ |
| New Age Spirituality |
| In-depth article defines the New Age movement and some of the core beliefs, explains the traditions from which it is rooted, describes the confusions caused by other religions, and highlights some of the more common practices.
http://www.religioustolerance.org/newage.htm |
| New Age Temple |
| A large collection of articles on a variety of New Age and esoteric topics including practices, cultures, communities, and resources.
http://www20.brinkster.com/natureworld/temple/index.htm |
| News from Nahziryah |
| Information, news and sales from the Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil.
http://www.nmcnews.org/ |
| Now Age |
| General information about chakras, reiki, and the emotional source of disease. Also offers flower and stone meanings.
http://www.sfheart.com/lovelight/ |
| Order of the White Lion |
| Presents the case for astrology, tarot, karma and the elements being part of a universal language.
http://www.orderofthewhitelion.com/ |
| Rainsnow |
| Seeking to unite people on various spiritual paths into a collective on one path. Includes books, bulletins and articles, special services, and resources.
http://www.rainsnow.org/ |